The Future of Unmanned Aircraft Systems

If you have just discovered this blog, it is about aviation cybersecurity in all areas but focusing on drones or better termed UASs. This page intends to post the facts surrounding aviation cybersecurity, new associated technology, and what the future is for those industries. It is my opinion that the FAA and the DOD want to change how you operate UASs in America. It is my assumption that currently the FAA is opening the door for the part 107 which is a commercial drone pilot license. In the coming future I think we will see big changes in commercial aviation mainly in the area of product transport. I think this will enhance the safety of traditional manned flight for human transport. The adoption of UASs and the use of AI assisted software will allow for a better managed airspace. This results in safer air travel. Below are some photos of how UASs have developed over the years.

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  There is one drone manufacturer that is stepping up and providing secure UASs for the American market and that is ANZU ROBOTICS announcing...